Nutrition Weight Loss Worksite Wellness Private and Group Training
Our team of professionals will come to your place of business to provide information seminars, educate your employees on relevant health and wellness topics, run boot camps and get them motivated for change.
Enroll in the 2017 Corporate Fit Challenge and improve your workplace wellness. The program is geared to help employees reach their goals, no matter what they are. From simply losing a few pounds, to getting fit and toned, we have the tools, the products, and the supportive people to ensure your success. The program is based on sound cardio training, resistance strength training and simple nutrition that helps burn fat, keeps lean muscle, boosts metabolism and helps control hunger. This formula will help your employees achieve their goals with proven results.
Let us challenge, motivate, and inspire you to take your company's health and fitness to the next level.
According to recent studies, for every $1 employers invest in the health of employees, they will see a $3 return in productivity.
"Work places that establish health & fitness programs can
reduce their health care spending by 20-40%" - OSHA
Publication 3180
"Getting people to be more active can cut yearly medical
costs in the US by $70 billion" - CDC
"There is a positive correlation between investment in
safety and health performance and its subsequent
return on investment" - CDC
Corporate Clients
PNC - Dallas
Roach Howard Smith & Barton - Dallas